Way to go Matt Wong!


This past weekend, I went to a beach house with a lot of great people. On the first day, Matt and I went down to the beach to go swimming. The water was so cold that when you dove into it, your head hurt. Matt is 6 feet tall and 200 lbs, and he would grab me by the hips and throw me up and over a wave as it crashed down. We were having so much fun until suddenly we were in a Reader's Digest article. Meaning, the water was getting deeper and we were getting pulled out--we were in rip tide. I couldn't touch and Matt told me to swim cross current. I kept swallowing more water and being pushed out farther. So Matt took my hand and pulled me closer and to a place where I could just barely touch. My feet kept getting knocked from underneath me and I kept falling back with only his hand holding me in. I was terrified. So then, in the single most manly experience of my life, he comes back and puts his arm around my waist and tells me to float so that I'm parallel to the ocean floor and he's pushing me in. When the water went down, I was hanging U shaped from his arm, and then the water would come back up and we'd try to surf the wave in together. He managed to effectively drag me in to shallower water. When we got on shore, people came running up to us, "Are you, ok?" "We've seen people drown out there." I was shaking all over and so Matt had me run with him back to the beach house to warm up. Then we got into the hot tub. I started crying a bit when things finally calmed down, which helped discharge some of that energy.

So there you have it. I now owe a debt of eternal servitude to Matt for saving my life. I really don't think I would have made it in on my own.

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Mara-Diana said...

Please tell Matt that I'm exceedingly grateful! Also, your hair looks really good short - all these photos of you look great!