

The Catholic church has done away with the doctrine of limbo. Unfortunately, it still exists for me. Limbo, that is. I’m not talking about the unbaptized here; I’m talking about my lack of clarity over what I should be doing with my life.

It seems that every step I take is in the wrong direction. That’s not totally true. I am ruling things out things that I don’t want to do, but working one by one is pretty inefficient. At this rate, I will have settled on something by the time I’m eighty.

I went to wilderness school this past semester and learned about primitive skills. I really thought I would be into all of that, but it turns out that I am firmly entrenched in the 21st century. One activity we did was making fire with a bowdrill. It goes like this: you gather four pieces of wood from the forest. One piece needs to be wide and flat, this will be your baseboard. Another piece needs to be long and have some flex in it, this will be your bow. Another piece of wood you will carve down to make a spindle. And the final piece of wood needs to fit into your hand so that you can bear down with it on the spindle. You have to be careful about which types of wood you choose, because, if you don’t, making a fire will be almost impossible. At least, it will feel this way. You then carve out a notch into your baseboard, tie a piece of cordage onto both ends of the bow, flex the bow so that you can wrap the spindle in the cordage, and place one end of the spindle in the baseboard and the other in the piece of wood in your hand. Bear down, turn the bow rapidly until you get a coal.

The problem is that in the time it took me to write the previous paragraph, I could have made a fire with matches. And believe me, after grinding on the bowdrill for over an hour, sweating, getting blisters, having the spindle snap out of place and hit me repeatedly, matches were all I was thinking about.

So it turns out that I will not be a primitive skills guru. Part of this is because I can’t see myself convincing sane adults to make a bowdrill. At least, not enough to make a living. It’s not that everything is about the money, but I want a career now. And I can’t seem to focus my energy right now on things that won’t provide some kind of financial return.

Except writing, that is.

But I find that even writing is hard to do consistently. Ian asked me the other day why, if I’m passionate about writing, is it hard for me to motivate myself on a consistent basis. I told him that great writers throughout time have struggled with this. Margaret Atwood said, “Blank pages inspire me with terror.” Unfortunately, the truth for me is less flattering--I’m actually just lazy. It’s much easier to watch a TV show than to sit at my desk and wrestle with words.

It’s not just that. Sometimes it feels so sad to me to pour out my heart into something other people won’t read. At least, no one but the four people who read my blog (you know who you are). The Japanese philosopher (whose name I cannot remember) writes that when we do something for fame or money, we love results and not actually the activity itself, thus robbing ourselves of the joy of the process. Perhaps I should post that on the wall in my office.

I don’t mean to have self-pity. I do live a blessed life, and I have the luxury of exploring my options. I just hate being between things. I want to run at something with all my heart. I want to break out of limbo.

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Christmas lottery


The Oregon lottery is advertising the idea of giving scratch cards for Christmas. This sends the message: your chance of actually getting a gift this year is astronomically low.

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Terrorism against women


I know this image is very intense, but I think it's worth showing. The New York Times just published an article about acid attacks on women in parts of Asia and Afghanistan.

"Terrorism in this part of the world usually means bombs exploding or hotels burning, as the latest horrific scenes from Mumbai attest. Yet alongside the brutal public terrorism that fills the television screens, there is an equally cruel form of terrorism that gets almost no attention and thrives as a result: flinging acid on a woman’s face to leave her hideously deformed."

Read more.

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Photo of the day: Michelle


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Photo of the day: Vintage car


Still haven't figured out why I lose so much saturation when I load my pictures up to the web.

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On blogging

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Photo of the day: Ariel, strong and mighty


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Photos taken during survival trip


I recently did a three day trip with some friends in the Mount Hood wilderness area. We built our own shelters, despite the rain and snow, and I managed not to freeze to death. Here are some photos I took.

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Photo of the day: Bowdrill


I just met someone who takes a photo every day and posts it on her blog. This seems like a great idea to me. I'm still learning the basics of photography, but I'm going to shoot for putting up a couple of pictures per week.

Here's my first one. It's of the bowdrill set I made.

*I've been convinced to add the rest from this series.

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In my apartment courtyard


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by Arthur Sze

Caw Caw, Caw Caw Caw.
To comprehend a crow
you must have a crow's mind.
To be the night rain,
silver, on black leaves,
you must live in the
shine and wet. Some people
drift in their lives:
green-gold plankton,
phosphorescent, in the sea.
Others slash: a knife
at a yellow window shade
tears open the light.
But to live digging deep
is to feel the blood
in you rage as rivers,
is to feel love and hatred
as fibers of rope,
is to catch the scent
of a wolf, and turn wild.

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Crazy racist McCain supporters

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Cute 106 year old nun votes Obama


The reporter says she reads the newspapers "religiously." Come on, people. We're better than that.

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Anger Management TrackersNW style


It’s been a little over a month since the TrackersNW immersion program began, and I have yet to cut off any major appendages–which I take to be a fortuitous sign. I have cut myself making my bow, trimming cordage, actually, whenever I am in the same room with my knife or hatchet, I seem to cut myself. But all in all, no emergency room visits as of yet.

Which is a good thing, as our group recently began practicing making tools out of stones. The idea here is that if you are stranded without a knife you can create one by flintknapping. According to our instructors Brian and Shaun, if you hold one rock in your hand and hit it on a 45 degree angle with another rock, the result will be sharp flakes that you can use to cut things. Apparently, this works.

I say apparently because after trying this and smashing my fingers several times, I had worked through all the curse words I know and had to move to another method. This consisted of holding one rock upright between two sticks and slamming down another rock on top of it. The smaller rock crumbles under pressure and begs for mercy. While I did not smash my fingers with this method, I also didn’t produce anything sharp. I did manage to break up a few rocks and gloated over their decimation.

So I switched to the final method, which is my favorite. Here you take big rocks and throw them down on the ground against other rocks. This is Anger Management TrackersNW style. The upside of this is that when you are smashing objects for flintknapping, no one thinks you are crazy or out of control–they think you’re resourceful.

At least, that’s how I choose to think about it. In fact, I’m so resourceful that I threw a rock down that bounced back and hit my shin, thereby providing me with enough anger to flintknap for a while.

By the end, I hadn’t managed to produce anything very sharp, but it’s probably for the best. Looking at the cuts on my hands, I figure that my playing with only blunt objects is probably a good idea.

Check out Earth Ninjas for more stories by the TrackersNW immersion team.

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I been in jail in Chattanooga


Ian just bought a new mattress and the store could only deliver it during work hours, so I volunteered to be at the apartment when it arrived. They only sent one guy, and I'm sick right now, but somehow we managed to lug it up together.

"So where you from?" he asks me. He has already lingered too long. Apparently, he's feeling chatty.
"Chattanooga," I say.
"I know Chattanooga. I been in jail in Chattanooga."
"Oh," I edge towards the door. "Isn't that interesting."
"Not that it was my fault. I mean, it was my fault, but you know."

I don't know, but I don't let on. He tells me that a cop was being aggressive (not quite the way he put it) and he decided to be aggressive back. I have already said thanks and shook his hand three times. So now I nod and slowly start to close the door.

"But I don't take that kind of treatment and hired a lawyer that costs one thousand dollars an hour."
"Good for you," I say. The door is almost closed but he moves towards me.
"I just love your accent." He's got an arm the door way, looking at me.
I want to say, So does my big, big muscular boyfriend. He's just crazy about my accent. Instead I stick my hand out one more time, say, "Thanks. You have a good day," smile and close the door.

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Animal Tracks


This is me with the other students at TrackersNW.

More pics on Photobucket.

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We're bringing sexy back


Stealth and evasion style.

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Bear Poo

I think, anyways. I’m not entirely sure.

One of the downsides of being in TrackersNW is that I am now taking pictures of shit to show to my friends. I recently went backpacking at Goat Rocks and there was a lot of scat on the trail. Most of it was bear, but I think there are elk in the area.

Another downside to being in Trackers: too much to do. I really wanted to go on this backpacking trip, but I also wanted to work on my bow, practice starting a fire, and work on my website. So, I did what any reasonable human being would do in this situation–I carried my stave and two books with me into the woods.

For over 6 miles. I decided somewhere in there that this may not have been the smartest decision.The picture below is of me hiking, and that wood sticking up right behind my back is not a tree. No, it’s attached to my pack.

As luck would have it, we were greeted on our first night by a moonsoon. And, as we had camped out on the side of a mountain, climbing higher through the thick fog didn’t seem like a wise idea. So I donated my stave to the earth because I didn’t want to carry it any further. Ah, well. I returned from my trip bow-less, comforted only by my pictures of bear poo.

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On Horny Goats and Slaughter


There is a horny goat in our midst. No, I'm not making a veiled reference to another student. TrackersNW is one of the few educational institutions where you can say, "There is a horny goat in our midst," and literally mean that with us there is an actual goat not getting enough action.

And he won't shut up about it. I was kept up all one night, as he called out to the females. I wanted to say, "Dude, you're sounding desperate. Chicks don't dig that." But, as you probably guessed, horny goats (like horny humans) are very hard to reason with.

After a whole night of hearing his calls, I woke up the next morning grumpy and exhausted. If I had previously had any doubts about my willingness to slaughter an animal, they were now assuaged. I could kill one, and I had just the right goat picked out.

Unfortunately adult male goats are not so tasty. The meat tastes too much like pheromones, the goat equivalent of Axe body spray. The animal we had selected for slaughter was a yearling sheep. He was kind of cute. Watching him pace in his pen, I couldn't help wondering if he somehow knew. It seemed like it, as he resisted being caught, and it took four people to hold him down. Shaun stroked his head a few times to calm him. It was tender, and felt both strange and appropriate to show affection to this animal right before we killed it.

I had decided to witness this event because I wanted to know if hunting is something I can do, if I can take the life of another animal. And I wanted to be accountable for my food decisions--to pound into my head the reality that the meat I buy in the grocery store was once something living and breathing.

Despite my determination, I could not watch the first cut. It was too raw. Too grim and holy. I turned back to watch after that. Shaun held its head over a bucket to drain out the blood, and Krista stroked its flank. It twitched for a while and I wondered how long it would stay alive. All I could think was, we've severed its vocal chords, it can't even call out in pain. We were all quiet then, grave, waiting for it to stop moving.

Later, as we skinned the animal, I joined in. I saw blood on myself, spots of it on my thumb and forefinger. I understood then about the blood offerings different cultures do to the gods. That it is some attempt to honor the mystery of our lives being dependent on the death of another animal. That destruction and life are tangled in with one another. The blood on my fingers, the smell of burning fat, the half digested grass in the sheep's belly, all hinted at something larger and more terrifying than I know how to grasp.

We ate the meat, tanned the hide, used the bones to make tools. We did not let its body go to waste. Ultimately, watching this whole process was important to me, and I hope to participate more directly in the future. I want to be involved in the cycle of life and death. To approach my meals with a mixture of gratitude and solemnity. It's not that I like killing animals. It's not blood lust. For me, it's looking reality in the face by loving and thanking the animal that will feed me. It's surrendering to things unknown.

That is, unless we're talking about that damned goat, in which case, it definitely is blood lust.

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Nature of the Village


I just got back from spending one week with TrackersNW at a permaculture farm in Port Orford, Oregon. Details to follow.

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The End is not so Near


One of the most recent comic from xkcd.

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Travel Photos


I uploaded some of my pictures from Semester at Sea onto this website.

Here's the link:

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Dungeons and gold short shorts

My team just ended our ultimate frisbee season. Determined to go out on a bang, we all wore costumes for our final game. They are supposed to be Dungeons and Dragons characters, but you can tell by the outfits that many of us don't actually play the game.

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Separation Creek Trail

This was a great semi-secluded trail. We were attacked by a swarm of rather athletic mosquitoes (they bit through our clothes!), but the trip was otherwise beautiful and quiet.

More on photobucket.

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Putting Nova Scotia in a photo bucket


And more such as this on:

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Nova Scotia Photo Journal: Whale Watching


Yesterday was my cousin John's birthday and we went whale watching to commemorate the ocassion.

Here's my first photo entitled: Oh my gosh! A whale!
Which ended up with my taking a picture of other people's backs.

The next ones went better. The whales came right up to our boat.
Apparently, Humpback whales are very curious and find us as interesting as we find them.
The water where these pictures were taken is only twelve feet deep!
The whales have bumps around their eyes called tubercles. Apparently, each on of these is a gargantuan hair follicle with one coarse hair. The whales detect tidal patterns and calculate distances based on the vibrations from these hairs.

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Nova Scotia Photo Journal: Cape Split


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Nova Scotia Photo Journal


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Aunt Kay


(courtesy my new camera)

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Bush and Birth Control (sounds naughty, eh?)


My friend Abe sent this to me and I thought I'd pass it along.

The Bush administration is trying to include birth control in the definition of "abortion" so that healthcare workers can refuse to provide it. From the Houston Chronicle on August 10th:

"Health and Human Services officials are considering a draft regulation that would classify most birth control pills, the Plan B emergency contraceptive and intrauterine devices as forms of abortion because they prevent the development of fertilized eggs into fetuses."

If you, like me, feel that this is insane manipulation of both women and English, please add your name to the MoveOn petition about it, and keep your eyes and ears open for other opportunities to intervene in this bait-and-switch.

Click here to read the Houston Chronicle article:

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Petition for aid to Georgia


This is a petition for international community "to meaningfully aid Georgia in stopping the Russian Federation from violating international laws and its attacks on Georgia's sovereign territory."

It only takes a second to sign.

In honor of my dear friend Maggie Osdoby-Katz.

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We are actually cooking

Ian and I cooked a meal together recently, which, if you know me, is quite surprising. My oven was shocked.
We decided to take pictures to commemorate the occasion.

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