Travel Photos


I uploaded some of my pictures from Semester at Sea onto this website.

Here's the link:

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Dungeons and gold short shorts

My team just ended our ultimate frisbee season. Determined to go out on a bang, we all wore costumes for our final game. They are supposed to be Dungeons and Dragons characters, but you can tell by the outfits that many of us don't actually play the game.

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Separation Creek Trail

This was a great semi-secluded trail. We were attacked by a swarm of rather athletic mosquitoes (they bit through our clothes!), but the trip was otherwise beautiful and quiet.

More on photobucket.

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Putting Nova Scotia in a photo bucket


And more such as this on:

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Nova Scotia Photo Journal: Whale Watching


Yesterday was my cousin John's birthday and we went whale watching to commemorate the ocassion.

Here's my first photo entitled: Oh my gosh! A whale!
Which ended up with my taking a picture of other people's backs.

The next ones went better. The whales came right up to our boat.
Apparently, Humpback whales are very curious and find us as interesting as we find them.
The water where these pictures were taken is only twelve feet deep!
The whales have bumps around their eyes called tubercles. Apparently, each on of these is a gargantuan hair follicle with one coarse hair. The whales detect tidal patterns and calculate distances based on the vibrations from these hairs.

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Nova Scotia Photo Journal: Cape Split


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Nova Scotia Photo Journal


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Aunt Kay


(courtesy my new camera)

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Bush and Birth Control (sounds naughty, eh?)


My friend Abe sent this to me and I thought I'd pass it along.

The Bush administration is trying to include birth control in the definition of "abortion" so that healthcare workers can refuse to provide it. From the Houston Chronicle on August 10th:

"Health and Human Services officials are considering a draft regulation that would classify most birth control pills, the Plan B emergency contraceptive and intrauterine devices as forms of abortion because they prevent the development of fertilized eggs into fetuses."

If you, like me, feel that this is insane manipulation of both women and English, please add your name to the MoveOn petition about it, and keep your eyes and ears open for other opportunities to intervene in this bait-and-switch.

Click here to read the Houston Chronicle article:

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Petition for aid to Georgia


This is a petition for international community "to meaningfully aid Georgia in stopping the Russian Federation from violating international laws and its attacks on Georgia's sovereign territory."

It only takes a second to sign.

In honor of my dear friend Maggie Osdoby-Katz.

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We are actually cooking

Ian and I cooked a meal together recently, which, if you know me, is quite surprising. My oven was shocked.
We decided to take pictures to commemorate the occasion.

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Sister, sister

Audrey and I spent the night in a hotel together on my brief excursion back south, and took way too many pictures. Here are my favorites:

More on facebook.
(And in Audrey's profile, too)

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Sleep with the earth


"Now I see the secret of making the best person: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."

-Walt Whitman

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