In which Adelaide needs to stop posting and get some work done



Adventure: undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks
2.the encountering of risks exciting or remarkable experience

: disposed to seek adventure or to cope with the new and unknown

: Inclined to take risks

: (Did not realize that this is a word, although it makes perfect sense)
1. Involving risk: hazardous
2.Inclined to court or incur risk or danger."implies a jaunty eagerness for perilous undertakings"

Venture: 1. To expose to hazard: risk, gamble
2. To undertake the risks and dangers of

-some: characterized by a (specified) thing, quality, state, or action

ad- : to : toward -- usually ac- before c, k, or q and af- before f and ag- before g and al- before l and ap- before p and as- before s and at- before t and ad- before other sounds but sometimes ad- even before one of the listed consonants

Ah, words. I'd say Griffin and I will mostly be adventurous in our undertaking. Although I like anything with the word jaunty in the definition. Trying to think of a brilliant way to use all of these words in a sentence. Added that last part about ad- for my linguist friend.

jaunty: sprightly in manner or appearance

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Unknown said...

Coolest. Blog. Ever.

Adelaide Brown said...

I thought you might like it.