
I seem to write some of my favorite things in my letters to Griffin. From today:

I was walking down the street today in my purple and gray knee high socks carrying a bunch of freshly bought chrysanthemums (4$ and they last forever! yay) and a bag of vegan chocolate chip cookies, when it occurred to me: I'm rather fond of the me I'm becoming.
Not that I didn't have some rather frantic phone calls to my support women this week, "What am I doing with my life?!" "Will I ever be happy?" "When will my boobs start growing?" Well, not the last one. cough.

Funny thing happened. I went to hear several small musicians play last weekend (yep, they were midgets. just kidding. I love how I write just kidding as if you couldn't figure this out for yourself. But, hey, its Portland) And I sat by this guy and struck up a conversation. He was really funky and talked at length about his interest in shadow puppetry. It was pretty fascinating. Anyhow, he's having a big birthday party tomorrow and invited me to attend. I wrote down his address and then promptly lost it, as I am wont to do. So I tried to look him up online. Turns out, he's a pretty well known artist in the area. So I shot him an e-mail and hopefully he'll get back to me so I can go to the party--he's going to do some of his shadow puppetry. Funny how you bump into all kinds of cool people here.
Speaking of cool people, um, you are. A cool person, I mean. You could be cool people, but I'm not sure what that would entail.

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