

Back from another frisbee tournament (I know, it's an addiction). My team broke our record an actually won 2 games. Go Natty 20's!

Here are my favorite pics, all taken by my friend Isaac Lane Koval. It pays to have a professional photographer on your team.

More here.

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Argyle Reserve


My Skillz team just won the league championship! Here is a picture of one of our coaches.

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I'm going here!


Mt Katahdin! Here is a great description.

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I've been working on my Appalachian Trail blog a lot lately and it seems to be going well. My favorite part: making up goofy questions and then pretending that my unsuspecting friends asked them.

This is the best one:

Tina L from Chattanooga, TN.


Does menstrual blood really attract bears?


Yes. And they keep stealing my pick-a-nick baskets.

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