Look buff for the camera


I recently began training with Nikki Becker from Missfit Adventures. My reasoning: if I am going to tell everyone I know that I’m trying to backpack the Appalachian Trail, I better not come home a month after I started. Nikki trains clients in her “all women’s adventure club.”

If you want to read more about my preparations for the AT, I've started a separate blog for the trip. (Because you can't have too many blogs, right?)

Here's me trying to look buff for the camera. I'm not sure it's working.

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Doug said...

Hi Ade! I had some free time today so I fixed your picture. Here it is since I don't know how to post it:


Have fun in them appalacians!

Adelaide Brown said...

Thanks, Doug, that definitely helps. I feel buffer already.

How are you, by the way?

Doug said...

I am well. Just got back from a long car trip, went through portland to south dakota and back. Unplanned unscripted is fun sometimes, but after 4 weeks of couches and car seats, I'm wiped (and glad that our apartment didn't burn down).

I know I know, I went right through Portland without even giving advance notice (did I spell that right?), pretty lame, I'm sorry. Melati and I did go to a couple of practices though. It was good to see some of the gang, and David almost killed a homeless guy with a chainlink fence.

Well, I'm going to go sleep off the last few weeks and get ready for the next adventure. Are you going to Eugene, let me know!

Adelaide Brown said...

I am going!