Our team recently played the Super Saiyon Ninjas . After each Ultimate Frisbee game, each team comes up with cheers for the other team and performs them for each other. For this team our cheer (written by yours truly) went like this:
(set to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Hammer in the endzone
Ninja power!
They're the world's most fearsome frisbee team.
Superstars, you know they are extreme.
Even though we form a stack,
This frisbee team don't cut us no slack.
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Hammer in the endzone
Ninja Power!
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Hammer in the endzone
Ninja power!
They're the world's most fearsome frisbee team.
Superstars, you know they are extreme.
Even though we form a stack,
This frisbee team don't cut us no slack.
Super Saiyon Ninja Players
Hammer in the endzone
Ninja Power!
And, if you played Ultimate Frisbee, you might think those jokes were funny. To over explain it, a hammer is a frisbee that is thrown high into the air so that it falls upside down or lands on the skinny edge. A stack is a offensive play. And a ninja, is a hero in a half shell and green.

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