The Countdown to the Tournament


One week and counting until I leave with some friends to go to an Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Eugene.

Check out this wicked cool footage of the Rhino's, Portland's team.

My team is made up of pickup players from the games I play on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Think of it this way: if you took all of the kids who got picked on in High School and put them on a team together, this would be us. They are some of my best friends. Our name is the "Natural 20's" which is some kind of Dungeons and Dragons reference. (See how cool we are?) Our team design (to be put on bright pink T-shirts) features a Frisbee, a beer, a d and d die, and a unicorn smoking a joint. Go team!

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Mad Padre said...

I confess I didn't watch all 6 minutes of that YouTube video but I watched enough to know a bit about what Ultimate Frisbee is. I think. It kind of looks like soccer only with a frisbee. I could get into this (but probably the clothed variety only).

I also know what a natural 20 is because, long ago and far away, I played D&D.

True confessions, indeed.


Adelaide Brown said...

I'm so glad that you get the reference! Nobody does most of the time and I should admit that I don't quite get the joke.