Powells on the Colbert Report


Powell's Books was recently featured on the Colbert Report! It's the nations largest independent book store and I used to walk there from my old apartment (you know, the one that wasn't an unfinished basement).

Go Portland.


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pandas said...

Indeed, there's sorrow all around, since I only just now saw you sweet new layout. Looks great!
Maybe there's something wrong with the RSS feed, but I've already discovered 400,000 technological distractions for myself this week to keep me from studying for my midterms. I'm sure I'll be fiddling and fixing it eventually though...

Is it freaking cold in Portland?

Unknown said...

Yeah. Layout is what you do when you are too lazy to write.

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, that comment was supposed to be from me and not Griff. He was still logged in and I didn't know it. :)