Sleep deprivation


Sunday night--stay up late excited about the trip.
-wake up at 3:00 somehow convinced that my flight leaves on Monday, not Tuesday
Monday night--Get an hour and a half of sleep because of packing and saying goodbyes.
Tuesday-Get to the Portland airport at 5:30. Fly to San Fran. Two hour layover. Fly to Chicago. Accidentally leave airport and have to go through security again. Three hour layover. Fly to Sao Paulo arriving at 10:30 am. Meet Griffin hop on a bus that takes us to the metro which takes us to another bus. Eight hour bus trip. Hop on another bus to get to the apartment of the person we are staying with. 10:00 pm- thirty minutes to shower before we go out dancing. 3:30 am, come home and collapse into a heap of nothingness.

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pandas said...

Wait-- you're going to be blogging while you do this?

Adelaide Brown said...

Thanks Rich! I'll be blogging in a limited fashion as some of the places we'll be going are off the grid. Right now I'm in Salvador, which is very much on/in the grid.