The Latest Adventures of Our Hero


It's official. I've had to delay my flight to Brazil due to the dastardly deeds of the Brazilian consulate. Or at least, the Brazilian visa service I am using. As a result, I am throwing my attention into the world of Ed Reed. Our hero is now in High School. And too sophisticated to label his picture "me" anymore. But apparently not too sophisticated to put "Basketball" in scare quotes.

My favorite: "Don't bump your head Tom." Tom, as you can see, is the tall fellow in the middle of the picture. I'll apply this to myself, "Don't bang your head forcefully against the wall, Adelaide, while you wait for your visa." Nope, just doesn't have the same charm. Damn you, Ed Reed!

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pandas said...

I seem to be missing something here. What am I missing?

Adelaide Brown said...

It is more likely that I'm missing something here. Which would be funnier if you could see my finger pointed at my head.

I've been learning about Ed Reed, a man (presumably deceased) whose scrap book I found at a Goodwill.