

Starting sometime in March, I will be interning with a group called Write Around Portland. Here's a statement by them:

Write Around Portland runs volunteer-facilitated writing workshops for people affected by HIV/AIDS, survivors of domestic violence, people in recovery from drug/alcohol addiction, people in prison, seniors in foster care, veterans living with PTSD, people with physical or mental disabilities, teen parents, low income adults and people who might not have access to the power of writing and community because of income, isolation or other barriers.

Our unique model of writing workshops, published anthologies and community readings, helps people transform their lives and our city.

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It's business time


I'm a little low on content lately, but this is pretty funny.

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Baby's First Drag Show


This past weekend in Austin, TX, I had the privilege of watching the performance of Austin Kings N Things with my friend Abe. Who knew halter tops and softies went so well together?

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The wonderful thing about Tiggers


Is Tiggers are wonderful things.

3$ Tigger suit a la Goodwill.

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Dinosaurs on Retail

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