Or basement rather. Apologies on the blogging hiatus--Griff and I have been living in what some might call the seventh level of hell. These pictures are after Griff tore out the carpets and linoleum.
1. Our lovely neighbors who took these pictures for us.This is the kitchen.
The dungeon--a bedroom with no walls and a 6'5 ceiling.
The main area that you walk into. Note my moderate hysterics.
The first thing you see when you walk into the apartment.
A bedroom.
The mural painted on the wall in the bedroom. Yes, the woman is holding her heart in her freakishly large hands.
The carpet you see in the bottom right corner of the last picture used to be in the entire house. And the ceiling, which you can kind of see in the first photo, is sea foam with plaster clouds and glitter. There is carpet on the ceiling of the bathroom. And don't forget the mural of the naked woman/bird/angel of death and suffering. We suspect the previous tenants were on acid.
We have since spent several days grinding down the concrete to make it suitable to receive stain, which then turned out to be this goldish terra cotta color that we had to paint over. Griffin has removed several walls, I've been battling mold, and we've blistered our hands scraping up carpet padding. Now, its still a war zone but much more manageable.
Yes, we're living here. Waking up each morning high on paint fumes and choking on sawdust. More pictures as things develop.